Perhaps not as picture postcard perfect as some neighbouring resorts, we love the hardworking, seafaring town of Palamos; with a salty charm all of its own. This is a real place, with real people and it is ALL about the sea. With a working fishing fleet, life in Palamos revolves around the quay, the auction and the fish market.
I should probably backtrack a little at this point and explain how we came across Palamos – it was 5 years ago when we were working for the UK holiday company; moving the guests’ luggage from hotel to hotel. One of the hotels, the Trias (more about this later) was a frequent stop off point. We immediately loved not only this hotel, but the low key vibe of Palamos.
Whilst there is an attractive, buzzy old town, good nightlife (check out the friendly, Irish owned Currach Pub, Carrer de las Notaries) and 7.5km of gorgeous coastline, Palamos is all about the prawns – the best in the world.
You can watch these dark red crustaceans, caught out in the deep waters, being landed daily (around 4/5pm) on the bustling quay. Prior to the pandemic you could visit the fish auction to watch local restaurateurs haggle over the price of these super sweet and succulent beauties. Do visit the adjoining fish market where you can purchase a part of the highly prized haul. But buyer beware, they fetch a pretty penny (I have heard in excess of 225 euros per kilo over the Christmas period!)…